Search Results
Prof. Dr. Dr. Wolfgang Wahlster: "Situated Learning and Assistance Technologies for Industry 4.0"
Wolfgang Wahlster - Industry 4.0
Prof.dr. Wolfgang Wahlster has been awarded an honorary doctorate
ICSI 30th Anniversary - Professor Wolfgang Wahlster
Dr. Wolfgang Wahlster
Arantza Tapia with Wolfgang Wahlster in #BasqueIndustry40
"Industrie 4.0: Active Semantic Product Memories for Smart Factories" with Prof. Wolfgang Wahlster
Prof. Dr. Dr. Wolfgang Wahlster im Interview
Wolfgang Wahlster: Language Technology for Big Data Analytics. META-FORUM 2013
Wolfgang Wahlster about artificial Intelligence
Wahlster: Future Spoken Dialogue Systems: Multimodal, Multilingual, Multiparty, Multitask. theMETAnk
Closing of EC-TEL 2012